MacHack '96 Location
Fairlane-Dearborn Conference Center
Holiday Inn

Hotel Information
Travel Information
Holiday Inn Reservations
Other Hotels
Local Stores

Hotel Information

MacHack '96 is changing locations again this year. The new location will be the Fairlane Holiday Inn in Dearborn, Michigan. This hotel was chosen after an extensive search for hotels which could hold MacHack. Here is a partial list of the features of the hotel:

Travel Information

If you'll be flying into town for MacHack '96, you should fly into Detroit Metro Airport.

The hotel is located at Ford Road and Dearborn, in Dearborn Michigan. Directions are available on the FAQ page.

Holiday Inn Reservations

Rooms at the Holiday Inn are $82 (US) for single/double rooms. To make reservations at the Holiday Inn, completee the following form. Remember, you need to both register for MacHack '96, and reserve a hotel room if you want to stay at the hotel.

Other Area Hotels

Since spaces are filling up for MacHack, here are some other hotels to try:

Stores Near the Holiday Inn

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Last updated: June 5, 1996 by dpk